Efudex Cream (Fluorouracil) Medication


Efudex Cream (Fluorouracil)

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Fluorouracil is administered topically to effectively manage pre-cancerous and cancerous dermal growths. Classified as an anti-metabolite, this medication functions by impeding the proliferation of aberrant cells responsible for the manifestation of skin conditions. 

Uses and Dosage 

EFUDEX is indicated for the topical management of multiple actinic or solar keratoses. its 5% strength can be beneficial in treating superficial basal cell carcinomas when conventional approaches are challenging, especially in cases involving multiple lesions or difficult treatment sites.
Adhere to your doctor’s instructions when using this medication. Prior to applying it to the skin, ensure that the affected area is cleaned thoroughly and dried adequately. After a 10-minute interval, apply a small quantity of the medication to the affected skin, using just enough to form a thin film that covers the area. wash your hands immediately after applying the medication, even if gloves were used. 

During the course of treatment and for several weeks thereafter, it may appear unattractive for the treated area. do not cover the area with tight dressings or plastic bandages, although it may be appropriate to loosely cover the treated area with gauze after consulting with your doctor. 

To prevent any adverse effects, avoid applying this medication in or around the eyes, eyelids, nose, or mouth. In the event that the medication does come into contact with these areas, promptly rinse with an ample amount of water. 

Side Effects 

Common Side Effects

Possible side effects of this medication include:  

  • Skin irritation, burning, redness, dryness, pain, swelling, tenderness, or changes in skin color at the application site 
  • Eye irritation such as stinging or watering 
  • Difficulty sleeping 
  • Irritability 
  • Temporary hair loss 
  • Abnormal taste in the mouth may also occur 

If any of these effects persist or worsen, inform your doctor or pharmacist. 

Severe Side Effects

Keep in mind that this medication has been prescribed to you because your doctor has determined that the benefits outweigh the potential risks of side effects. note that many individuals who use this medication do not experience serious side effects. 

Inform your doctor immediately if you encounter any severe side effects, including:  

  • Stomach or abdominal pain 
  • Bloody diarrhea 
  • Vomiting 
  • Signs of infection (such as a persistent sore throat, fever, or chills) 
  • Easy bruising or bleeding  
  • Mouth sores 


Prior to using this medication, inform your doctor or pharmacist about your medical history, particularly if you have a specific enzyme deficiency called dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) or if you have red/irritated/infected/open sores on the skin. 

Note that this medication can increase your sensitivity to sunlight. limit sun exposure, avoid tanning booths and sunlamps, and employ sun protection measures such as wearing protective clothing and using sunscreen when outdoors. After applying fluorouracil cream, wait for 2 hours before applying sunscreen or moisturizer to the treated area. Unless instructed by your doctor, refrain from using other skin products such as creams, lotions, medications, or cosmetics. Promptly notify your doctor if you experience sunburn or develop skin blisters or redness. 

Prior to undergoing surgery, ensure that you inform your doctor or dentist about all the products you are using, including prescription drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products. 

Additional information

Generic name:






Quantities Available:

20g, 30g, 60g

Quality Prescription Drugs has provided information from third parties intended to increase awareness and does not contain all the information about Efudex Cream (Fluorouracil). Talk to your doctor or a qualified medical practitioner for medical attention, advice, or if you have any concerns about Efudex Cream (Fluorouracil).