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Iron deficiencies are actually the most popular deficiency known to humans according to the Center for Disease Control. The function of iron is to help our blood cells carry oxygen throughout our body. It also stores oxygen for our body to use later. You’ve probably noticed the telltale red color your blood takes on when you skin your knee or suffer from a dreaded paper cut.

5 Types Of Food Personalities You Ought To Know
The Affordable Care Act is putting in all the efforts possible to make sure that people who otherwise would not be able to pay for health insurance get it at more affordable rates. However, many of the popular plans involve high co-pays and deductibles..

How Exercise Can Help Relieve Depression and Arthritis
When you are anxious or depressed, exercising is the last thing you want to do…but it’s exactly what you might need. While the links between exercise and depression are not quite clear..

New Drug to Reverse Cofnitive Decline
Imagine an age when cognitive decline is a thing of the past. As we age, most of us tend to experience some degree of decrease in cognitive function..

Anti-Cancer Properties and Soybeans
When you think of cancer-fighting foods, typically the kind of things that come to mind include green tea, leafy greens and even garlic. But according to a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, there could be a new contender to this list: soybeans.

Stand Tall: Why Your Posture is Important
Truth be told, maintaining good posture was probably the last thing on your mind today.

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs’ might have been a visually imaginative, animated movie filled with a lot of spirit and goofy humor.

Prevent Cold and Flu Symptoms this Year
With a long family history of heart health issues, there is nothing that I fear more than my heart health.

Why does Santa have a red nose and red cheeks? Is it because it’s cold in the North Pole or he had too much eggnog? It’s possible that Santa, like so many Americans, is suffering from some kind of allergy. Winter allergies can cause havoc in the holiday plans of many people. But, with a […]

Benefits of Rave Drugs on Depression
The vast majority of ‘raves’ have drugs circulating about. A lot more than Tylenol. Rave drugs can affect the brain in profound ways, producing euphoria and psychedelic experiences that modern rave-goers chase after. These drugs can be dangerous, but also hold hidden promise. At least, that’s what researchers are saying about ketamine, or “Special K” […]

Treating Your Child to Harshly
Why Some Parents “Lobotomize” Their Children With more and more cases of children with behavioral problems, there’s no surprise that prescription use for youngsters is on the rise. Specifically, powerful antipsychotics are being prescribed more and more. But, these brain-tweaking pills aren’t being recommended by psychiatrists, but by pediatricians. More than that, these pills don’t […]

Not All Medication FDA Approved
Why Some Parents “Lobotomize” Their Children You’ve been prescribed a medication by your doctor. Of course, it’s been approved for your specific condition, right? Actually, sometimes no. If you’re like many other people, you probably don’t question the safety of a medication prescribed by your doctor. You assume that it’s designed to solve just what […]

How 14,400 Babies Became Drug Addicts April 2012. University of Michigan researchers publish a shocking statistic: every hour, a baby is born addicted to opioids in the United States. This research comes from looking at addicted newborns born between 2000 and 2009. In that same period, the number of pregnant women using opioids quintupled (500% […]

Stop Stressing or You Will Break Out
The Most Expensive Healthcare Costs in America You have a chronic health condition. Every day is a struggle, and most people just don’t understand what it’s like to live with what you have to. Your doctor prescribes a ‘leading treatment’ for this condition and promises that it is the best solution for keeping your condition […]

Pesticides On Your Food – The Dangers and Solutions
Health professionals still argue about the possible link between eating pesticides on our food and developing cancer. One thing is clear though: cancer rates are rising along with public exposure to pesticides. Consider these two facts: The Dangers Pesticides are foreign toxins that the human body cannot break down properly. They kill pests, but also […]

Tips to Help You Live Longer Through the Looking Glass Did you know that a glass window filters most of the vitamin D in sunlight? The same reason why you don’t get sunburned inside is the same reason why you are not absorbing as much of nature’s nutrients that you would hope to. Tip one […]

New Year, Brand New Way to Stay Healthy
A White Apple-a-Day Keeps the Stroke Doctor Away Linda M Oude Griep, MSc, from the division of Human Nutrition at Wageningen University, the Netherlands, wants you to eat your fruits and vegetables. If you’re included in the group of people who find themselves at risk for stroke, Linda wants you to eat the vegetables with […]

Keep Up With the Holiday Season
Some Helpful Tips For Holiday Safety and Efficiency With videos circling Youtube about violent outbreaks between shoppers on Black Friday, and because the biggest shopping period of the year is upon us (see: the holiday season), this article will attempt to bestow on you some valuable information on how to be safe and stress free […]

Dear Valued Customers, Two bills currently in circulation on Capitol Hill named PROTECT IP and SOPA will block your right to access affordable medication from our accredited online pharmacy, The first piece of legislation, PROTECT IP, wrongly deems that all non-US pharmacies are harmful to American public health, even though our pharmacy is reputable, […]

What Are You Actually Drinking? Did you think twice when you had your last glass of “100% orange juice”? Drinking juice shouldn’t be rocket science, but do you know what is actually in that glass of orange juice that is supposedly not made from concentrate? It’s time to think twice. When you eat a fruit, […]

Arthritis Pain Relief When we have a pounding headache or straining pain from arthritis, we often look for quick pain relief from painkillers such as ibuprofen. Although the painkillers reduce the pain, they are also increasing the risk of a stroke. A study that examined patients who took painkillers for arthritis pain regularly saw that taking these […]

Legislation Threatening Existence of Online Pharmacies Efforts by the White House during the past two years may take away your ability to purchase prescription medications online. There are two serious issues which are currently threatening America’s access to safe, affordable prescription drugs. The initial threat is sourced by pending legislation on Capitol Hill known as […]