Flarex (Fluorometholone Acetate) Medication


Flarex (Fluorometholone Acetate)

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This medication is indicated for treating specific ocular conditions resulting from inflammation or injury. Fluorometholone exerts its therapeutic effects by alleviating symptoms encompassing swelling, erythema, and pruritus. It pertains to a pharmacological category termed corticosteroids. 

Uses and Dosage 

The prescribed dosage and duration of treatment are contingent upon your specific medical condition and response to therapy. Refrain from using this medication more frequently or for a more extended period than prescribed, as doing so may heighten the risk of experiencing adverse effects. 

To administer eye drops, observe proper hygiene by thoroughly washing your hands beforehand. Before usage, ensure that the bottle is adequately shaken. Exercise caution to avoid contact between the dropper tip and your eye or any other surfaces to prevent contamination. 

To apply the medication, tilt your head back, pull down your lower eyelid, and instill one drop into the pouch. Close your eyes for 1 to 2 minutes, applying gentle pressure at the inner corner. Avoid blinking or rubbing your eye. Repeat for the other eye if necessary. 

Side Effects 

Upon application of this medication, you may experience a temporary stinging or burning sensation in the eyes lasting for 1 to 2 minutes, as well as temporary blurred vision. If these effects persist or worsen, inform your doctor or pharmacist. 

Please be aware that your doctor has prescribed this medication because they have determined that the benefits outweigh the potential risks of side effects. Many individuals who use this medication do not experience any severe side effects. 

However, the prolonged use or administration of this medication may lead to significant eye complications, such as elevated intraocular pressure and cataracts. Inform your doctor immediately if you encounter severe side effects, such as vision problems or eye pain. 


Before using fluorometholone, inform your doctor or pharmacist about any known allergies, whether to fluorometholone itself or other substances. This product may contain inactive ingredients that could trigger allergic reactions or other complications. For further information, consult your pharmacist for additional details. 

Furthermore, before initiating this medication, disclose your medical history to your healthcare provider or pharmacist, particularly if you have an account of eye infections, recent eye surgery, cataracts, open-angle glaucoma, significant nearsightedness (myopia), or diabetes. 

Additional information

Generic name:

Fluorometholone Acetate


Eye Solution, non-oral, Eyedrop



Quantities Available:

5mL, 10mL

Quality Prescription Drugs has provided information from third parties intended to increase awareness and does not contain all the information about Flarex (Fluorometholone Acetate). Talk to your doctor or a qualified medical practitioner for medical attention, advice, or if you have any concerns about Flarex (Fluorometholone Acetate).