Patanol (Olopatadine) Medication


Patanol (Olopatadine)

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Generic Alternative - Patanol (Olopatadine)

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Table of contents:

Drug Description


Patanol is an ophthalmic medication prescribed for managing the signs and symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis, such as inflammation, itching, watering, and burning in the eyes. 

Classified as an antihistamine, Patanol works by lowering the levels of histamine, a naturally occurring chemical in the body that triggers allergic reactions. 

Uses and Dosage 

Before using Patanol, and with each prescription refill, carefully review its medication guide and patient information leaflet. Consult your physician or pharmacist if you have any queries or uncertainties. 

Patanol is for ophthalmic use only and should not be injected or taken orally. 

The usual dosage of Patanol is one drop in each affected eye, twice daily, with a 6 to 8 -hour gap between doses. 

To properly administer this eye drop, follow these steps: 

  1. Begin by washing your hands thoroughly. 
  2. To prevent contamination, avoid touching the dropper tip or allowing it to come into contact with your eye or any other surface. 
  3. If wearing contact lenses, remove them before applying the eye drops. Wait at least 10 minutes before putting them back. 
  4. Tilt your head back and look upward. Use your fingers to gently pull down the lower eyelid, creating a small pouch. 
  5. Position the dropper above the eye and carefully place one drop into the pouch. 
  6. Look downward and gently close your eyes. Place one finger on your tear duct and apply gentle pressure for 1 to 2 minutes to prevent the medication from draining out. 
  7. Avoid blinking or rubbing your eye during this time. 
  8. If instructed to use the medication in both eyes, repeat the above steps for the other eye. 
  9. Do not rinse the dropper. Replace the dropper cap securely after each use. 

Allow at least 5 minutes between applying different eye medications, such as drops or ointments. Prioritize using eye drops before eye ointments to ensure effective absorption.  

For optimal results, use Patanol at a regular time daily. Administer it exactly as directed; do not alter the number of drops or use it more frequently than prescribed by your doctor. 

Side Effects 

Listed below are the potential adverse effects of Patanol. If any of them last or worsen, inform your physician right away. 

Common Side Effects 

  • Headache 
  • Blurred vision 
  • Burning, stinging, redness, dryness, irritation, or itching of the eye 
  • Eyelid swelling 
  • A sensation of something in the eye 
  • Puffy eyelids 
  • Stuffy or runny nose 
  • Cough 
  • Sore throat 
  • Weakness 
  • Back pain 
  • Unusual or unpleasant taste in the mouth 

Serious Side Effects 

  • Intense burning, stinging, or irritation following eye drop application 
  • Swelling of the eye 
  • Redness of the eye 
  • Severe discomfort 
  • Crusting or discharge from the eye 

If you experience any of the above-mentioned severe side effects, seek immediate medical assistance. 

Allergic Reactions 

Although rare, a severe allergic reaction to Patanol may occur. If any of the following symptoms listed below are observed, prompt medical assistance should be sought: 

  • Rash 
  • Face, tongue, or throat itching or swelling 
  • Dizziness 
  • Trouble breathing 

Not all side effects of Patanol are included in this list. Notify your physician right away if any unlisted effects are observed. 


Before starting treatment with Patanol, inform your doctor of any known allergies, particularly to olopatadine, other medications, or any of the components of Patanol eye drops. 

Disclose to your physician your medical background to ensure Patanol is safe for you. 

Eye medication like Patanol is unlikely to be influenced by other drugs, but drug interactions are still possible. To lower the risk of interactions, inform all healthcare providers about your complete medication regimen, including:  

  • Prescriptions 
  • Over-the-counter medicines 
  • Vitamins 
  • Herbal products 

Temporary blurred vision may occur after applying Patanol. Refrain from driving, operating machinery, or engaging in activities that necessitate clear vision until it is safe to do so. 

The use of Patanol in pregnant women should only be considered if the potential benefits to the mother outweigh the potential risks to the unborn child. 

The transfer of olopatadine into breast milk is uncertain. Consult with your doctor before nursing an infant. 

Additional information

Generic name:






Quantities Available:

5mL, 10mL, 15mL

Quality Prescription Drugs has provided information from third parties intended to increase awareness and does not contain all the information about Patanol (Olopatadine). Talk to your doctor or a qualified medical practitioner for medical attention, advice, or if you have any concerns about Patanol (Olopatadine).